

My main research interests are in the fields of software engineering and formal methods for programming languages; with particular attention to functional and security testing, program verification and semantics, language-based security, distributed systems design, code protection and malware detection.


(last update: September 30, 2023)

Smartitude: Automated Testing and Security Assessment of Smart Contracts
Funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research - Italy (PRIN Project 2022)
Coordinator: Dr. Dario Di Nucci

  Research Assistant

  Blockchain · Smart-contracts · Software testing · Security

Automated Testing of REST APIs  
Funded by Muscope Cybersecurity Srl
Coordinator: Prof. Mariano Ceccato

  Research assistant

  REST API · Black-box testing · Cybersecurity · Verification

Machine Learning for Automated Testing of REST APIs  
Funded by Equixely Srl
Coordinator: Prof. Mariano Ceccato

  Research assistant

  REST API · Black-box testing · Machine learning · NLP · Verification

Metamorphic Hyperproperty Testing
Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation - Switzerland (SNSF Research Visit 2022)
Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Tonella

  Principal investigator

  Search-based testing · Hyperproperty · Verification · Security

Build Trust Proof of Concept  
Funded by University of Verona and Build Trust Srl (Joint Project 2021)
Coordinator: Prof. Franco Fummi

  Research assistant

  Blockchain · UML · Smart-contracts · Automatic code generation · Certification

IT MATTERS – Methods and Tools for Trustworthy Smart Systems  
Funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research - Italy (PRIN Project 2017)
Coordinator: Prof. Rocco De Nicola

  Research assistant

  Autonomic computing · Formal methods · IoT systems · Verification

ASPRA – Analysis of Program Analyses
Funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research - Italy (PRIN Project 2017)
Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi

  Research assistant

  Static analysis · Up-to techniques · Abstract interpretation · Completeness